
Unity Game Development

Unity vs Unreal Engine 2023

Unity vs Unreal Engine 2023 | Which Engine Should You Use To Learn Game Dev

Unity vs Unreal Engine 2023? Unity and Unreal Engine are two of the most popular game engines in the industry. Both engines are widely used for creating 2D and 3D games for various platforms such as PC, console, mobile, and VR/AR. However, each engine has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of which

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Procedural Shapes in Unity using Shader Graph

Procedural Shapes in Unity using Shader Graph

Procedural shader techniques allow generating complex geometry and patterns directly in the shader. This opens up many possibilities for unique styling without heavy modeling work. In this tutorial, we’ll explore a shader that produces randomized procedural shapes with controllable properties like sides, size, and rotation. The shader tiles seamlessly, making it great for backgrounds and

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IMPORT blender models into unity

A Step-by-Step Guide: How to import blender models into unity

In this comprehensive tutorial, we will guide you through the process on How to import blender models into unity game engine. By mastering this process, you will gain the ability to effortlessly transfer your meticulously crafted 3D models from Blender to Unity, enabling you to incorporate them seamlessly into your games or interactive applications. With

A Step-by-Step Guide: How to import blender models into unity Read More »

Singletons in Unity 101: A Comprehensive Tutorial

Singletons in Unity 101: A Comprehensive Tutorial

Welcome to this comprehensive tutorial on singletons in Unity! In the world of game development, singletons play a vital role in managing essential game elements and ensuring streamlined functionality. In this tutorial, we will explore what singletons are, why they are used, their benefits and drawbacks, as well as alternative approaches to consider. Whether you’re

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Raycast in Unity from noob to master

Raycast in Unity: from noob to master

The Raycast in Unity is an integral part of game development that allows developers to create connections between objects and perform various checks and calculations. It is a powerful tool that is essential for any beginner looking to enhance their game development skills. Understanding how to use this function effectively is crucial for creating immersive

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Finite State Machines in Unity

Dynamic behaviors in Unity

Contents Dynamic behaviors in Unity Introduction Dynamic behaviors are behaviors that can change in response to certain conditions or inputs. In game development, dynamic behaviors are often used to create more engaging and interactive gameplay experiences. For example, a game might use dynamic behaviors to make enemies react differently depending on the player’s actions, or

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State Machines in Unity

State Machines in Unity (how and when to use them correctly)

State machines are a powerful tool for creating complex and dynamic behaviors in Unity. A state machine is a system that defines a set of states, transitions between those states, and actions that occur when a transition occurs. In Unity, state machines can be created using the State Machine Behaviour component, which is part of

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Duplicate Unity Projects Tips & Tools

Duplicate Unity Projects: Tips & Tools to Smoothly Move Or Copy Your Unity Project

Need to copy or move your files? Wanting to Duplicate Unity projects? It can certainly be a daunting task, especially for beginners who may not be familiar with the process. However, with the right tips and tools, this process can be done smoothly and efficiently. This article aims to provide useful insights and recommendations to

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1D Animation Blend Trees Explained (Unity Tutorial)

1D Animation Blend Trees Explained (Unity Tutorial)

In this Unity game development tutorial, 1D Animation Blend Trees Explained, the author covers on how to look at how animation blend trees can be used to blend two or more similar animations. It shows also how you can use a simple one-dimensional blend tree to make a character’s animation blend between idle, walking, and

1D Animation Blend Trees Explained (Unity Tutorial) Read More »