What is the Business Strategy game
The Business Strategy Game is an online activity in which students are divided into teams and given the task of running a sports shoe firm in direct competition with the companies of other students. The company’s operations are comparable to those of a real sports shoe company. The company competes in a worldwide marketplace, selling branded and private label sports footwear in four regions: Europe and Africa, North America, Asia Pacific, and Latin America, just as it does in the real world.
Factory operations, distribution and storage, employee salaries, online sales on the company’s website, sales and marketing, and finances are all decisions that the co-owners must make. They must next devise and implement a competitive strategy that produces superior financial results as measured by earnings per share, return on investment, and other metrics.
This post is a summary of some of the best walkthroughs on the Business Strategy game.
What is the purpose of the business strategy game?
The Business Strategy Game is a hands-on learning exercise that consolidates your knowledge about the different aspects of running a business, builds your confidence in analyzing the revenue-cost-profit economics of a business, helps you understand how the functional pieces of a business fit together, sharpens your business judgment, and provides valuable practice in crafting profitable growth strategies.
You’ll gain experience and practice assessing business risk, analyzing industry and competitive conditions, making company-wide decisions, thinking strategically about a company’s market position and the types of actions it will take to improve it, developing and revising strategies in light of changing conditions, and applying what you learned in business school.
In the end, The Business Strategy Game delivers value by enhancing your preparation for a business or management profession. Furthermore, we anticipate that The Business Strategy Game will pique your competitive interest while also providing a great deal of entertainment.
Tips on How to Win Business Strategy Game
It can be challenging to get help in the exclusive business strategy game. Therefore, we need some tips on how to win the BSG. Winning this game requires several elements, for example cooperation. If you have several people in your group and leave this task in the hands of one or a few, you will be ineffective and may get bad results.
Want to know more important tips for winning the BSG? Let’s take a look.
Tips for BSG games
1. teamwork
Teamwork is the key to success in the business strategy game. Whether you use BSG online help or not, you have to learn how all members complement each other. This way, you will know the role all members play to ensure optimal performance and good grades.
To achieve synergy, each member must fit into his or her assigned area to complete the group. Not only does each member have the role they do best, but we also need to know their personal views. With their views, we can develop a unique strategy that appeals and intrigues them for the success of the BSG.
It is crucial that we examine it with each member’s views in mind. Allow them to critique and support each other in making a final decision. In this way, you will be able to find research-based ideas that will help you win in the BSG. Remember that teamwork is important.
2. Be professional at the start of the game.
Different players will be involved in different ways at the beginning. Some may lower their prices and increase their advertising. Others may go to a more expensive private market. At the beginning, you must be professional, as you don’t know how other players will approach the game.
If you need help with round 1 BSG games, sort out all the ideas you use. You are learning, so by all means do what you want with skill and strategy. Make sure everything is right with the software. This screening process can take up to 30 minutes.
After the screening, read the report and make sure you understand it. This report will be the basis for your decision in the next round. However, this is a competition, so fight hard and smart from the first round and you will emerge victorious. To achieve this, you must set yourself two goals
Aim for first place
Improve our results from match to match
3. Social responsibility
Does social responsibility help my BSG?
Corporate social responsibility is essential if you want to win the BSG. The game requires you to act responsibly to promote the welfare of your community. You must also behave respectfully and in accordance with your social obligations so as not to upset others.
While trying to impress your teachers with your optimal performance in relation to your social obligations, you must strike a balance: Weigh how much you can afford so that CSR does not become a burden. Remember that this can affect your subsequent growth and reduce your performance and, therefore, your score. You can’t afford to lose.
4. Improve your image score
The best cost strategy is to improve your image. When you lower your prices, you increase your S/Q ratio. Depending on the number of groups participating in the BSG contest, you should be able to get a large enough percentage to improve your overall image.
If your competitors also follow a best-cost strategy, you should try to come out on top and get a high rating: CSRs have to be frugal with their spending while improving their image rating. It’s a great way to compete with minimal cost.
To improve share price and earnings per share, we need to drive net income and revenue growth. Share buybacks can make a big difference, as can earnings per share and share price. Increasing the number of public offerings also provides a cost-effective way to raise funds for company expansion. However, EPS is diluted.
The best way to improve financial performance is to apply a balanced scorecard approach. We can pursue and achieve strategic objectives that improve our competitiveness.
Some walkthroughs of the game that can help you understand it better.
Decision 1 – Year 11 – [Low Cost Leadership] – The Business Strategy Game 2019
Overview and walk-through of decisions for Year 11 of The Business Strategy Game. This video sets up a Low Cost Leadership Strategy.
Private: Decision 2 – Year 12 – [Low Cost Leadership] – The Business Strategy Game 2019
Overview and walk-through of decisions for Year 12 of The Business Strategy Game. This iteration of the game utilizes a Low Cost Leadership strategy.
Decision 3 – Year 13 – [Differentiation/Low-Cost Leader] – The Business Strategy Game 2019
Overview and walk-through of decisions for Year 13 of The Business Strategy Game. This video explains a combination differentiation/low-cost leadership strategy.
Decision 4 – Year 14 Overview – The Business Strategy Game 2019 [Differentiation/Low-Cost Leader]source
This video shows my decisions for Year 14 of The Business Strategy Game in the Fall of 2019. This video explains a combination differentiation/low-cost leadership strategy.
Decision 5 – Year 15 – [Differentiation/Low-Cost Leader] – The Business Strategy Game 2019
Overview and walk-through of decisions for Year 15 of The Business Strategy Game. This video explains a combination differentiation/low-cost leadership strategy. For other strategies please refer to other videos.
Decision 6 – Year 16 – [Low Cost Leadership] – The Business Strategy Game 2019
This video shows Decision 6 for a Low Cost Leadership strategy in the BSG.
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